Des Coopératives Romaines, En Passant par Le South Bronx (New York City), Jusqu’à la Rue d’Aubagne (Marseille), Quelle Place Pour la Société Civile Dans la Prise de Décision Publique?

Charie Habitat Cooperatif

By Cairecoop


In recent years, our research work, produced under the aegis of CHAIRECOOP, has been underpinned by the question of domination. Concept of domination that we apprehend as a set of social transactions of a highly asymmetrical nature, which generate lasting inequitable situations in the distribution of burdens and resources, between different social groups.

First part: Review of research work over the period 2013.2019

Domination of populations subject in particular to financial and real estate speculation and its often dramatic effects; not least because of the resulting evictions in the hundreds of thousands.But we have also, at the same time, tried “to show and reflect on the multiple and abundant initiatives stemming from American and European civil societies, heirs to the current of thought of social cooperation born at the end of the 19th century (Owen , Gide, Mauss, Polanyi..), which have been taken in recent years in favor of the promotion of cooperative and non-speculative housing; cooperative practices that question the very heart of speculative real estate activity

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