Bronx Coalition Hopes to Transform Century-Old


By Amy Yens

The rust, wear and tear is evident but these two hulking steel structures along the East River still stand tall as relics of New York’s nautical and industrial past.

Mychal Johnson is the co-founder of South Bronx Unite. A community coalition that advocates for environmental, social and economic justice in the South Bronx. He said the steel structures, which are known as gantries, date to the early 1900’s when the area bustled with ship and railroad traffic. They were used to lift ferries in and out of the river. South Bronx Unite started a petition urging the city to landmark the gantries and renovate them. The goal is to transform the area into an open green space with the gantries as an architectural focal point.

“The vision is to create an esplanade where folks can get out here and recreate fish, not necessarily get in the water but be closer to the water. Make some art installations where folks in the community can celebrate that in this space,” said Mychal Johnson, Co-Founder of South Bronx Unite.

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Bronx Volunteer Group Looking to Make Abandoned Gantries a Historical Landmark


Des Coopératives Romaines, En Passant par Le South Bronx (New York City), Jusqu’à la Rue d’Aubagne (Marseille), Quelle Place Pour la Société Civile Dans la Prise de Décision Publique?