These Award-Winning Proposals Will Tackle the City’s Public Space Inequity


By Zoe Rosenberg

The Design Trust for Public Space’s Public for All winners will address need in the city’s public plazas and provide South Bronx residents a forum in the development of underutilized city-owned land

Call us biased, but New York City has some of the best public outdoor space in the country. But the sad truth of it is that not all of the city’s parks and greenways are created, or cared for, equally. There are myriad forces at play that affect how some of the city’s parks—like Central or Prospect Park—are cared for versus others—Flushing Meadows-Corona Park—but some folks want to ensure that the playing field becomes a little more level. (Get the pun?)

The Design Trust for Public Space is, as its name suggests, one such organization. In the past, Design Trust has helped launch initiatives to create a new master plan for Staten Island’s neglected Eib’s Pond Park, reimagine the green space of the Lower East Side’s Lillian Wald Houses, and the list goes on. The trust is now turning its focus to two projects that have claimed the top spots in its 2017 Call For Project Ideas. The winning proposals both lay the groundwork for ways to activate public spaces to reach their fullest potential—and who doesn’t love a well cared for space everyone can share?

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