The 2024 Bronx Power 100

City & State New York

The Bronx is booming. The borough – once known for years of unfavorable headlines in the 1970s and 1980s – has been seeing increased development and attention from the business community and policymakers in recent years. New investment is coming to all parts of the borough, perhaps most notably in the South Bronx.

The needle is moving on major issues that have been at the top of community discussion for decades. State transportation officials have made reconnecting communities cut off by major roadways a top priority, and redesigning the Cross Bronx Expressway is at the top of the list for change, a move that would address economic and environmental justice issues. After years of debate, officials are looking to push forward a plan for the future of the Kingsbridge Armory. And plans for a new “blue highway” to move supply chain transport to the water is on the verge of transforming the Hunts Point Produce Market, the Fulton Fish Market and the Hunts Point waterfront. Here are the leaders who are making sure the Bronx continues to grow and thrive.

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