Plans Afoot to Green Port Morris Waterfront

Mott Haven Herald

By Cole Rosengren

A multi-year initiative calling for new green space in Mott Haven and Port Morris, is expected to include the creation of a park on the eastern edge of 132nd Street, and another a few blocks away.

One park nears construction phase; another on the way

Standing on the remnants of a pier at 132nd Street, with the smell of garbage hanging in the humid air and a honking truck in the background, Deborah Marton outlined a new vision for the Port Morris waterfront.

“Inside of this dilapidated pier, imagine an active, inviting public space,” said Marton, executive director of the New York Restoration Project.

On July 8, the organization officially debuted The Haven Project, an ambitious multi-year initiative calling for new green space in Mott Haven and Port Morris. They announced that their first goal would be to create a park on the eastern edge of 132nd Street. Another park at the historic Gantry site on 134th Street is scheduled to follow, along with a greenway connecting both parks to Randall’s Island via a soon-to-open pedestrian bridge. New bike lanes, pedestrian safety features, trees and street art will be added to help increase outdoor recreation and access to the Harlem and East River waterfront.

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