EPA $1 Million Climate Resilience Grant to Support South Bronx Communities 

EPA United States Environmental Justice Protection Agency Press Release

“For over 30 years Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice, Inc. has been on the frontline fighting back the negative impacts of climate change, and pushing forward creative initiatives to mitigate climate change. Today, marks a monumental opportunity for Bronx communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the effects of Climate Change.

By convening a Bronx Climate Justice Task Force Bronx communities will be able to come together to collectively look at issues that impact their community and develop proposals to address those issues.  YMPJ is thankful to the EPA for this funding opportunity and grateful for the Bronx River Alliance to take lead in this partnership,” said Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice Executive Director David Shuffler.
"Bronx Council for Environmental Quality (BCEQ) has been raising the alarm about Bronx environmental issues for over 50 years. As one of the earliest supporters of the Bronx River Alliance we are confident that the Alliance, along with Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice, will make sure that Bronx voices for climate justice are heard loud and clear," said Board Member Dart Westphal. 

“South Bronx Unite extends our heartfelt congratulations to Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice and the Bronx River Alliance on being selected for the EPA's climate resilience planning grant," said Mychal Johnson, Co-Founder of South Bronx Unite.  

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