Commentary: Build Public Renewables Act Will Advance Environmental Justice

Times Union

By: Arif Ullah, Briana Carbajal, Clarke Gocker and Justin Wood

New York state has fallen woefully behind in passing legislation to achieve its renewable-energy goals. As representatives of environmental justice organizations across the state, we are sounding the alarm on this lack of legislative action, because emissions from fossil fuels disproportionately harm New Yorkers of color. And we are calling on lawmakers to include the full version of the Build Public Renewables Act (S4134/A279) in the state budget this year.

New York generation is barely at 5 percent wind and solar now — not even halfway to our state’s 2015 renewable-energy targets. Even with all of the new projects announced by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, the state will still fall short of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act mandate for 2030. The Build Public Renewables Act is our renewables safety net. It will enable the New York Power Authority to build what is needed to meet the state’s climate law mandates.

We know that private investor-owned utilities perpetuate racial and economic injustice. Research has shown that investor-owned utilities allow for more blackouts and brownouts to occur in low-income communities of color during times of high energy demand. For example, in New York City’s July 2019 heat wave, ConEdison caused a blackout to nearly 50,000 residents in Canarsie and Flatlands, which are majority-Black neighborhoods. Losing access to energy has life-threatening consequences, especially during cold snaps and for people dependent on electrical medical equipment at home.

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