Bronx Activists Look at Community Land Trusts as a Way to Create More Greenspace

By Samali Bikangaga. The Harlem River as seen from the East 132nd Street Pier.

Mott Haven Herald

By: Victor Victorio

As huge waterfront projects are being built around the South Bronx by private entities, community organizers and advocates are starting to look at the community land trust model to give ownership of some property and land to the community instead of private companies.

The most recent example of a community land trust acquiring city-owned land was the East Harlem El Barrio Community Land Trust, which obtained four city-owned buildings for renovation.  Rather than participate in a bidding war, the East Harlem land trust was able to obtain the property from the city and has been constructing a $14 million housing project.

The trust movement has picked up recently with Mayor Bill de Blasio committing to expand CLTs last year, and through advocates and policy makers seeking to improve the process of letting these trusts gain control of these private or city-owned properties.

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