Residents Push for Greener Waterfront

Mott Haven Herald

By Anacaona Rodriguez Martinez

Election year presents opportunities to press for policy changes, City Councilwoman Mark-Viverito tells Mott Havenites.

Forum looks at alternatives to heavy industry along Harlem River

Planners and architects told a forum in Mott Haven that green space can share a revived Harlem River waterfront with the existing heavy industries, so long as FreshDirect doesn’t gobble up the space that could be used for recreation.

Speakers at a Jan. 24 forum at BronxArtSpace who shared detailed plans for change along the river with an audience of some 50 people brought together by grass roots group South Bronx Unite, emphasized the need to liven up derelict space with parks, small shops, garden plots, kayak launches, bike paths and walkways. They also looked forward to an attractive crossing from Mott Haven to Randall’s Island that would replace the forbidding concrete hulk that spans the river now.

But the planners said industrial uses of the area are at a breaking point, and the neighborhood cannot handle more truck traffic or pollution.

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Urban Planners Propose Green Alternatives to Fresh Direct’s Bronx Facility


DOCUMENTARY: South Bronx Unite Press Conference